Charles’s Profile

Active 11 years, 3 months ago
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My Courses

ENG090R 5200 F2011 Hirsch

ENG090R 5200 F2011 Hirsch

Belonging. . .

My Projects



The ePortfolio project at New York City College of Technology “City Tech” enables students to create professional websites that will contain a number of their academic examples and learning experiences.

First Year Writing @ City Tech

First Year Writing @ City Tech

FYW@City Tech is a program and a digital forum for sharing curricular and pedagogical resources related to teaching and learning about writing at City Tech. The First Year Writing Program @ City Tech (FYW@City Tech) offers professional and curricular support for faculty teaching First Year Writing Courses (ENG1101 and ENG1121) at the college. As a repository of materials related to best practices in teaching writing, the FYW@City Tech Web site is a place where FYW instructors and faculty across the college can learn more about teaching writing and archive their unique disciplinary resources related to teaching writing at a college of technology.

Living Lab Fellows

Living Lab Fellows

This project archive compiles the experiences of the Living Lab General Education Seminar Fellows over the 5 year period of the grant. It includes the reflections of participants and compilations of course portfolios with links to OpenLab course sites.

Reading Effectively Across The Disciplines – Biology

Reading Effectively Across The Disciplines – Biology

This project serves to disseminate material generated by the reading initiative of City Tech. Please feel free to contribute, discuss and take part.

OpenLab Pioneers!

OpenLab Pioneers!

This project is a central hub of communication for the first group of faculty fellows in the “Living Lab” Title V grant. Westward, ho! (cc-licensed group avatar by HeedingtheMuses)

My Clubs

Charles hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.