Arianna B’s Profile

My Courses
COMD3503 Fall2015 Topics in Graphic Design
Explores the role of graphic designer in contemporary visual communications with related design assignments and research. Graphic design trends; the impact of computer technology; examination of the work of major 20th century designers; global graphics; the ongoing dialogue between advertising and graphic design. A large emphasis will be placed on awareness of the design world by observing the principles of design in our community: books, publications, web sources, museums and graphic art organizations. Students are expected to gather reference materials for all their projects and are encouraged to use the library resources.
Design superstars at Citytech learning how to use Typography to create effective design and communications
ADV 2340 Digital Photography 2
In this intermediate class, students use photographic style and light to transform subject matter in order to communicate ideas and feelings.
My Projects
Student-Ready College Committee
As a committee we are working on enhancing our new student orientation process. We are assessing and enhancing all steps from the moment a student is accepted into the college to their first year experience.
Faculty Commons Internship Journal
Faculty Commons, A Center for Teaching, Learning, Scholarship and Service coordinates all professional development, grants and assessment activities of faculty at New York City College of Technology. Faculty Commons adopts a programmatic approach to professional development and operates as a faculty resource and think tank where members collaborate on a variety of projects to shape curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. In accordance with the College goals and strategic plan and with support from CUNY, the Office of the Provost, the College Council and the Professional Development Advisory Council, Faculty Commons will strive to improve and promote the quality and excellence of faculty at New York City College of Technology.
FYLC – First Year Learning Communities
Welcome to the First Year Learning Communities Open Lab project page. If you are interested in joining the Reflective Writing Project or just learning more about events, resources and information related to the FYLCs at City Tech please request membership!
Struggling a bit with your homework or want to be sure you understand an idea well? Here are videos you can watch, sorted by subject, to help you on your journey. Enjoy! Avatar image and site header created at
Project Wayfinding is a college-wide effort to answer the question “How can Faculty, staff, and students effectively provide/use accurate information for academic career planning from Day 1 through Graduation?”
My Clubs
Arianna B hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.