16 thoughts on “Day16 6/24/2019”

  1. Was good thanks,
    ready to complete the course!!
    not yet because I have two more classes during July.

  2. It was good, very productive. I’m ready to complete the course and continue my studies when i go back in late august

  3. My weekend was great! Yes I am ready to complete this course and enjoy a little bit of my summer before starting my internship and two more summer classes!

  4. The weekend was enjoyable. Relaxed, bleached my hair, practiced drums with kids, made a little money. I’m ready finish this course with hopefully an A. Productive? Maybe, but I’m ready to turn TF up in July and August. July 3rd is my 26th birthday and I’m later going to two theme parks with new roller coasters.

  5. my weekend wasn’t that great since i had to work extra hours but yes i am ready to finalize this course and put into effect in my other classes that i would be taking in summer 2 and fall.

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