Initially, I was looking to get a more design-focused internship, but I eventually ended up interning at NYPIRG. Surprisingly, they made me a project leader for their healthcare campaign, which was outside of my domain. healthcare advocacy was not my original domain, but I got opportunities to do design work on their other projects.

Overall, I would say this internship allowed me to gain experience in public speaking, advocacy, and leadership – skills that I believe will be very helpful for me in the future, regardless of which career path I take.

One recent design project I worked on for NYPIRG’s healthcare campaign was creating social media posts to raise awareness about the New York Health Act. I was asked to design visually appealing social media posts. It was a good experience to blend my design skills with an important advocacy issue.

Ultimately, I’ve learned that every experience, even the unexpected ones offers valuable lessons and chances to grow. Moving forward, I’m eager to keep refining my skills.

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