- Call to order
- Approval of minutes from March 31, 2022
- Update course outline of MAT 1272 (Professor Halleck)
- proposal: approve the updated course outline of MAT 1272
- Update course outline of MAT 1275/1275CO (Professor Carley and Professor Masuda)
- proposal: approve the updated course outline of MAT 1275
- proposal: approve the updated course outline of MAT 1275CO
- Update course outline of MAT 1630 (Professor Thiel)
- proposal: approve the updated course outline of MAT 1630
- Revision of Computer Science Minor (Professor Africk)
- proposal: approve the revision of Computer Science Minor
- Experiment of new textbooks
- proposal: approve experimenting a new textbook for MAT 2580 (Professor Africk)
- proposal: approve continue experimenting a new textbook for MAT 2572 (Professor Carley and Professor El Hitti)
- proposal: approve experimenting a new OER textbook for MAT 1275 (Professor Carley)
- proposal: approve continue experimenting the current OER textbook for MAT 1275 (open to all faculty)
- Good and welfare
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