Math1375 - Ganguli - Fall 2020

Ganguli | Math 1375 | Fall 2020

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What is the difference quotient?

As we have discussed in class (and as you have seen in the homework!), the difference quotient of a function f(x) is defined as:

[f(x+h) – f(x)]/h

Why are we interested in the difference quotient? This is a concept that is at the heart of calculus (MAT1475 here at CityTech), which is why we are studying it in precalculus!

The idea behind the difference quotient is demonstrated by this graph:


(Hint: what’s the slope of the “secant line”?)

Class 8 Agenda (Wed Sept 23)

Class Info


  • Difference quotients cont’d (Sec 3.1)
  • Transformations and symmetries of functions (Sec 5.2)



  • Read the sections of the textbook listed above
  • See the MAT1375 Course Hub page: Lesson 5: Basic functions and transformations
  • Complete WebWork sets: “Functions – Difference Quotients” and “Functions – Piecewise” (due Thursday Sept 24)
  • Start the next WebWork sets: “Functions – Translations” and “Functions – Symmetries” (due Thursday Oct 1)
  • Note: no class next Monday (Sept 28), but we meet Tues (Sept 29) instead

Class 7 Agenda (Mon Sept 21)

Class Info


  • Difference quotients (Sec 3.1)
  • Piecewise-defined functions (Sections 3.1 (by formulas) and 3.2 (by graphs))
  • Transformations of functions (Sec 5.2)



  • Read the sections of the textbook listed above
  • See the MAT1375 Course Hub page: Lesson 5: Basic functions and transformations
  • Complete WebWork sets: “Functions – Difference Quotients” and “Functions – Piecewise” (due Thursday Sept 24)
  • Start the next WebWork sets: “Functions – Translations” and “Functions – Symmetries” (due Thursday Oct 1)

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