OpenLab Assignment: Post your linear regression project topic (part 1)

As I discussed in class and posted on here last week, you should choose a topic for your linear regression project today.

To encourage you to do this, I’m making this an OpenLab assignment; completing this simple assignment will earn you one point towards the participation component of your course grade:

  • decide whether you want to work on this project individually or together with a partner
  • decide on a topic (broadly speaking) that you’re interested in studying statistically
    • some examples: economics, sports, public health, law/crime, business, finance, entertainment (movies, music, etc), demographics (population, race, gender, etc), politics/elections, transit/transportation, weather, environment, energy, …
  • post your topic in the comments below (if you are working with a partner, only one of you has to post, but then mention in the comment who you’re working with)
  • this should just be one or two sentences. e.g., “I would like to work on a dataset related to the environment and energy consumption.”

This assignment is due this Friday (November 29).  Late submissions will receive partial credit. (But it should only take 10minutes to complete, so just get it done today!)

There will be a “part 2” to this assignment next week, when I will ask you to decide on a specific topic, e.g., “I will analyze a paired dataset regarding CO2 emissions and wealth (GDP per capita), at the country-level.”  You can start thinking about that over the long weekend.

Here are some websites you can browse for ideas for specific topics:

Commute Time Project

You can find the pdf of the Commute Times Project description I handed out yesterday in Files.

Also, here is the link to the spreadsheet I showed at the end of class:

Please set up a basic spreadsheet and start recording your commute times!

(In the spreadsheet above, I had recorded “Departure time” and “Arrival time,” and then computed commute time by subtracting “Departure time” from “Arrival time.”  Especially if you’re using a stopwatch app to record your commute time, it’s fine to just record that directly (i.e., set up a spreadsheet with “Date” in column A and “Commute Time” in column B.)