Homework Assignments

Homework assignments and due dates will be listed below. Unless otherwise noted, all exercises are from the textbook (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (7th edition) by Kenneth H. Rosen).

HW #7 (due date TBA):

Sec 4.1 (Divisibility & Modular Arithmetic): #10(a)-(d), 21, 22, 26


HW #6 (due Wed Nov 28):

Sec 3.1 (Algorithms):

  • writing simple algorithms: #3, 4, 6, 8
    • for each of these exercises, write up your algorithms in pseudocode and/or in python
    • for pseudocode, use the textbook solution for #3 as a guide
    • also give a short verbal description (2-3 sentences) of what your algorithm/code is doing
  • bubble and insertion sort: #35, 36, 37, 38, 39

HW #5 (due Wed Nov 7):

Sec 2.2 (Set Operations):
#25, 47, 48, 52, 53

Sec 2.3 (Functions):
#4(a)(b), 5(a)(b), 6(a)(b), 8, 9, 10, 11

Sec 2.4 (Sequences and Summations):
#3, 4, (a)(b), 10(a)(b), 29(a)(b), 30(a)(b), 35

Homework #4 (due Wed Oct 24):

Sec 1.7: Intro to Proofs (p91):
#1-3 (study Examples 1&2 on p83 carefully; use them as models for your proofs)
#17, 18 (instead of giving a proof by contraposition and a proof by contradiction, it will suffice to give a proof by contraposition or a proof by contradiction, i.e., one or the other is fine (but you can interpret this as an inclusive-or, and write out both types of proofs!))

(For the odd-numbered exercises: try to write out a proof on your own before you look at the solutions; then study the solution and use it to edit your proof, if necessary. I will primarily grade the even-numbered exercises, but I will also check your solutions to the odd-numbered exercises; your proofs should be in your own words, i.e., not exactly the same as the textbook solutions!)

Sec 2.1:Sets (p125-126):
#2(a)(b), 6, 7(a)-(d), 8(a)-(d), 12, 14, 19, 20, 21(a)(b), 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 37
(for #35 & #37, give a brief explanation or draw a diagram to justify your answers)

Sec 2.2: Set Operations (p136):
3, 4, 14, 15(b), 16(a)(b), 23
Homework #3 (due Wed Oct 10):

Sec 1.5 (Nested Quantifiers):
#2(a)(b) – also state whether each statement is true or false
#4(b)(d) – also state whether you think each statement is true or false of our class
#28(a)-(d) – give brief explanation of what each statement is saying and why it is true or false

Sec 1.6 (Rules of Inference): #5, 6 (similar to Examples 3-6)

Homework #2 (due Wed Sept 26):

  • Sec 1.3 (Propositional Equivalences): #6, 8, 9(a), 10(d), 23 (using truth tables!); extra credit: #46, 47
  • Sec 1.4 (Predicates & Quantifiers): #1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 39(a), 41(a)

Homework #1 (due Wed Sept 12):

  • Sec 1.1 (Propositional Logic): #4, 10(a)-(c), 14, 28, 30, 32(a)(b)(d), 37(a)
  • Sec 1.2 (Applications of Propositional Logic): #40, 41, 42

3 thoughts on “Homework Assignments

  1. Pingback: Exam #1 Review | MAT2440 – Ganguli – Fall2018

    1. Suman Ganguli Post author

      Hi Robert, thanks for reminding me that I hadn’t updated this page with the Sec 1.6 exercises. For now, just do the two exercises I’d listed under Exam #1 Review: #5 & #6 (which are similar to Examples 3-6 in that section.)

      I’ve updated this page accordingly.


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