
Here is the link for our section’s WebWork site again:


Please log in and start (or continue) working on the first WebWork set “Derivatives – Limit Definition”, which is due next Monday (Sept 23). We continued outlining some exercises from that set in class.

I have also opened the next WebWork set, “Derivatives – Functions”. We will discuss that set on Monday, but you can go ahead and get started on it after finishing the “Limit Definition” set–the concepts and techniques are very similar.

“Cartoon Guide to Calculus”

I posted the dropbox link to the pdf scan from this book in a separate OpenLab post; here it is again:


There is only one pdf in there as of now, containing a few pages from Ch 1 of the book (“Speed, velocity, change”)–please read them, and make the connection between average & instantaneous velocity, as discussed in the book; with slopes of secant & tangent lines, as we have discussed in class over the past 3 weeks.

I will add another pdf with some pages on the limit definition of the derivative.


We went through #1 and #2 from “Derivatives – Limit Definition”: