
We went over the Course information sheet (pdf available on OpenLab Files), then gave an overview of the main ideas of precalculus

Course information sheet

Links discussed on Course Information sheet:

Overview of precalculus concepts – functions and their graphs!

In particular, review linear function and graphing lines:

OpenStax Ch 1 is a review of precalculus — we did Example 1.1 from Sec 1.1:

Please write out the exercises from Checkpoint 1.1 in Sec 1.1 (similar to Example 1.1) which will be part of HW#1.

Also study Figures 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 and the discussion of them in Sec 2.1 (“A Preview of Calculus”). Additional HW exercises will be assigned for HW#1 related to these figures and concepts: equations/slopes of lines, the rate of change of a function at a point, “secant lines” and their slopes, and tangent lines. Try to understand these–these are the key ideas in calculus!

Review of point-slope equation of a line

In particular, it will be useful to review the point-slope equation of a line (which we can write down when we know a point on the line and the slope of the line)–this is what we will use to write down the equation of the tangent line.

This video gives a good review–you should understand the concepts and techniques discussed in this: