Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, work on the Excel lecture and follow up with your instructor if you have questions.


Learning Outcomes.

  • Create probability distributions, as well as identify bell shaped distributions (normal).

Topic. This lesson covers: Normal Random Variables

  • Openstax Introductory Statistics:
  • Introductory Statistics by Sheldon Ross, 3rd edition: Section 6.3 & 6.4
  • Statistics with Microsoft Excel by Beverly J. Dretzke, 5th ed., NORMSDIST(z), NORMSINV(p) P. 115 – 122

WeBWorK. Set 6.1



An Introduction to the Normal Distribution

<br>The Applied View

Watch the video normal curves.

  1. Describe the characteristic shape of a normal curve.
  2. How can you spot the mean of a normal curve?
  3. If one normal curve is low and spread out and another is tall and skinny, which curve has the larger standard deviation?
  4. Focus on the distribution of arrival times for the Eastern Towhee for Years 1 and 33. Has the mean arrival date in Year 33 increased, decreased or remained the same as the mean in Year 1?
  5. The mean of the arrival times for the Blackpoll Warbler passing through Manomet in Years 1 and 33 is roughly the same. In Year 33 has the percentage of birds that have arrived by day 56 increased, decreased or remained the same as what it was in Year 1?

Exit Ticket

What are two examples where you can find the normal distribution in your everyday life? Give details.