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OpenLab Assignment 2

What type of data would you use a histogram to display? Can you think of an example of data you might encounter in your everyday life which could be displayed in a histogram? Be specific and include details.

This assignment is due by midnight on 9/7/2020.

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  1. Veron Nelson

    For example: An age range in which students are likely to do homework

    • Marianna Bonanome


      Please give more details. What would you choose for your age ranges? What is your minimum age and what is your maximum age? Any thoughts on what your histogram might look like?

      Prof. Bonanome

      • Veron Nelson

        the minimum and maximum age would be determine by the development cycle like teen being age 13 – 18 and such

  2. Mohammad Uddin

    use histograms when we have coutinuous measurements and want to understand the distribution of values and look for outliers. these graphs take us continuous measurements and place them into range of values known as bins. Each bin has a bar that represents the count or percentage of observations that fall within that bin.

  3. Stan

    The tyoe of data we can use a histogram for is frequency. By frequency I mean by how often it occurs. For example a barbershop and a hair salon usually gets most of its clients on Fridays and Saturdays. We can depict a histogram for all 7 days and shows the amount of clients that visit the salons and barbershops, Friday and Saturdays would be two extremes.

  4. Kamil Bartoszewicz

    Many/All Businesses can use histograms to track which days they can expect a lot of customers/sales during the whole year. Stores like Target, Best Buy and so on definitely use a histogram because they would need to decide which days they need a certain amount of workers in whichever department from whatever time frame. Another example of planning that they may use is when these type of businesses start giving out more job opportunities during the holidays because they would need more workers due to high demand in services/ products. On top of that they can also track their payroll by knowing how many hours they have given out to their workers for the whole week.

  5. fariha choudhury

    Histograms look like bar graphs only the bars are all packed together without any spaces. It is used mostly when dealing with a lot of data. In a histogram, each bar groups numbers into ranges. Taller bars show that more data falls in that range and shorter bars show less data fall in that range. Histograms allows me to compare data and make future predictions based on the data. I use histograms to see which time of day in the week to go shopping at the mall. The graph will show me when its the busiest and the least busiest time. It helps me avoid large crowds and long lines. I also construct and use histograms to see when its the best time to post on social media for my small jewelry business. I prefer to post when there is a higher amount of people online. It took about a month to construct a histogram to show me which days I get the most traffic and from seeing that data I can make better assessments when to post so I get the most traffic on my website.

    • fariha choudhury

      To elaborate further some of my category for my business histogram are age categories. It allows me to see which demographics are visiting my page.

    • fariha choudhury

      To elaborate further some of my category for my business histogram are age categories. It allows me to see which demographics are visiting my page.

  6. Daniel

    i would use a histogram to show the frequency in grades i get throughout the semester. It can indicate during what time of year i have a higher frequency to get higher grades. Also, if i can identify what time period i get lower grades, i can focus and study harder.

  7. Andy Escobedo

    the data that histograph can display is active population in a store at a certain time. with the information gather you can view what time the store is the most full to avoided long hours of waiting. In addition an instance of data I might encounter in my everyday life which could be displayed in a histogram is the time I spent playing games on my computer instead of being active in my college responsibility. with the information gather I can see what time of day i spent the most squandering on gaming and help improve my college responsibility by cutting the most time played

  8. Daisy R

    Histogram is a graphic display of data using bars of different kinds of heights and compresses close together without any spaces in between them. Histogram can also provide a visual interpretation of analytical data by indicating the number of data points that lies within a range of values. The histogram can display a lot of things such as grades, business stocks, and even peoples votes. I would use histogram in my everyday life to see the density of my math grades of each tests and quizzes for each semester. If I can locate the issue at hand before the semester ends I’ll be able to study hard and focus on those particular areas.

  9. S M Arifuzzaman Akash

    Unlike bar graphs, a histogram can be used to illustrate large amount of quantitative data. Consequently, the histogram can be a useful tool to display several everyday life tasks. For instance, my working hours throughout this semester will be a large amount of quantitative data but they can be graphically displayed using a histogram. To illustrate, I can find the number of shifts, minimum, maximum, and range of my working hours for the semester. Now, the working hours can be organized in an ascending order, divided into classes with the appropriate width and placed on the x-axis of the histogram. On the other hand, the frequencies or the relative frequencies of my working hours can be placed on the y-axis of the histogram. After generating the histogram with these values, it is expected that it will be a right-skewed histogram since I will mostly work usual part-time hours and full time a few time throughout the semester. Therefore, the frequencies will be maximum on or between first few intervals, and as the interval increase, the frequencies or the relative frequencies will decrease and eventually, be the minimum as I will hardly work more than the first few interval hours as the semester continues.
    Apart from this, histogram can also be a great tool to display the large amount of data of my my workplace, the gift shop. For example, the histogram can be used to keep track of the huge number of purchases made in the gift shop during the Christmas and new year’s eve, specifically in the month of December. The number of purchases, minimum, maximum and range of purchases can be used to find the x-axis where the number of purchases will be sorted and divided in classes with proper widths. Additionally, the frequency or the relative frequency values can be placed on the y-axis of my histogram. At this point, this x and y axis will generate a histogram that should be left skewed since at the beginning of the December, people will buy gifts at a usual rate, but as we approach Christmas and new year, the shop will sell gifts at an unusually high rate and the frequency of selling gifts will reach its maximum value. Thus, the histogram will be left-skewed as the frequency of purchasing will increase from the minimum value and eventually, reach its peak.
    Overall, histograms can be used to satisfactorily display large numbers of quantitative data of our everyday life.

  10. jaheidjalen

    I would use a histogram to display the frequency that a stock im tracking goes above or below a number. It would give me a good idea as to what to expect from that specific stock. The histogram allows me to see the data on the stocks usual trading positions throughout the day over any period of time I want. Data I encounter that could be displayed on a histogram are the frequency of my test grades. This would allow me to easily see the frequency of my test scores and understand how often I get a certain score

  11. Jordan Grant

    A histogram is similar to a bar graph. Both use bars in order to record data, but a histogram groups numbers into ranges of values, known as “bins”. It is used to show frequency. I can use a histogram to keep track of my grades for each class of each the semester. By using a histogram I track whether I am making good or bad process. If have a lot of A’s, B’s, and C’s, then I know that I am make good progress. If it is either D’s and F’s and I need to make an improvement. Using a histogram allows me to see the frequency of my grades of how I process in college.

  12. Yani acham

    Hello everyone,
    Last summer, during a internship research that we did. We use histogram to record data and get the percentages of rate. It was very fast to find the minimum or maximum rate of percentages or value. The histogram make easy to follow the progress.

  13. Yani acham

    Hello everyone,
    Last summer, during a internship research that we did. We use histogram to record data and get the percentages of rate. It was very fast to find the minimum or maximum rate of percentages or value. The histogram make easy to follow the progress.

  14. Ihn Lee

    I used to work as an energy consultant. I insert the electricity price together every month for the last one or two years. For this histogram, y axis is price and x axis is the month. The price of electricity changes every day and every month. This histogram shows when is good time to renew or sign the contract with us. This visual aid is quite helpful during presentation to convince someone.

  15. Kristen Narcisi

    Histograms are used as a visual representation of display frequency distribution in a set of continuous data. A common example of this is used in the service industry. For when you google a restaurant the review also usually has a graph showing on a hourly scale how busy the restaurant is expected to be. This is called “visit data”. With the data it shows popular times people go, duration, and average wait time.

  16. Kristen Narcisi

    Histograms are used as a visual representation of display frequency distribution in a set of continuous data. A common example of this is used in the service industry. For when you google a restaurant the review also usually has a graph showing on a hourly scale how busy the restaurant is expected to be. This is called “visit data”. With the data it shows popular times people go, duration, and average wait time.

  17. Kristen Narcisi

    Histograms are used as a visual representation of display frequency distribution in a set of continuous data. A common example of this is used in the service industry. For when you google a restaurant the review also usually has a graph showing on a hourly scale how busy the restaurant is expected to be. This is called “visit data”. With the data it shows popular times people go, duration, and average wait time.

  18. Mehnaz

    I would use histogram to display a frequency of a score in a continuous data set. In order to construct a histogram you need to divide the data into intervals called bins. Most businesses and companies tend to use this in order to track the rise in sales, the most busiest time of the year and the least busiest time of the year. As well as putting certain products for sale on certain occasions based on the knowledge of increased amount of sales.

  19. Marcel A

    Histogram can be used to display the time I spend to study from Monday to Sunday. The
    x-axis can represent the days of the week and the y-axis represent the time. From there I can see the day I study the most or less in the week.

  20. Sifat Razwan

    Histogram is used to record and show the frequency of stock market. In stock market we can see our profits and lose using histogram. It’s helps us to understand that current situation of our Product price.

  21. Ricardo Gonzalez

    For an example of a histogram would be a range on the age group on people who play video games and for how many hours they play compared to the other ages. But as for an everyday example how much much hours spent on video games during the weekends as the x axis would be the number of hours while the y axis would be time spent on the number of people that play games.

  22. Joao Barros

    I would use histogram for variables whose values are numerical and measured on an interval scale. The use of histogram in stock market can help you understand the current situation of your product price.

  23. Eric Gao

    Histogram are used to display various types of distribution data. Data sets that involves frequency are usually the type of data that are visually represented with histograms. One way I use histograms in my daily life is when I want to visit a place I can do a google search and more often than not it will display a histogram of popular times. The x axis is labeled with the hours of the open time in increments of one hour and the y axis is the average amount of people that are there. One quick look and I can see when the place is most populated and when its the emptiest on the histogram. During the quarantine it’s important for me to check these data to ensure proper social distancing for myself and others.

  24. Israt Jahan Ema

    I can use histogram to display my study time. There is a specific time that I concentrate on my study. So I decided to keep track of my study time day or night. And using the histogram I can tell what time I stay to study and how well I do. It gives me ideas when to study so that I don’t waste time on the study table without learning something. It saves my time and also I can make a schedule to study using the histogram.

  25. Israt Jahan Ema

    I can use histogram to display my study time. There is a specific time that I concentrate on my study. So I decided to keep track of my study time day or night. And using the histogram I can tell what time I stay to study and how well I do. It gives me ideas when to study so that I don’t waste time on the study table without learning something. It saves my time and also I can make a schedule to study using the histogram.

  26. Aramis Chalen

    According to Karl Pearson, a Histogram is a approximate representation of the distribution of numerical data. For example, a histogram could be used to measure the intake of calories per day we consume daily. This can help us compare and contrast intake calories to the amount of calories you’re suppose to intake.

    • Marianna Bonanome

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  27. Luis Campoverde

    Histograms can be used to track the weight increase of a baby in the first 12 months. We would track down month to month the weight of the baby for 12 months. After the 12 months we would compare the increase of weight from month to month and make an adequate weight intervals for the histogram.

  28. Alvie

    Histograms are used to show frequencies for intervals. It can be used for a shop to record the busiest hours in their stores on a certain day. For example, they can record how many customers they have hourly to figure out when their busiest time of the day is and when the store becomes very slow in customers and fix work schedules around that. The histogram will show how many customers there are at 4 PM, then 5 pm, 6pm, etc.

  29. Alvie

    Histograms are used to show frequencies for intervals. It can be used for a shop to record the busiest hours in their stores on a certain day. For example, they can record how many customers they have hourly to figure out when their busiest time of the day is and when the store becomes very slow in customers and fix work schedules around that. The histogram will show how many customers there are at 4 PM, then 5 pm, 6pm, etc.

  30. Michael Quintuna

    A histogram is a type of graph that has wide applications in statistics as it provides a visual interpretation of numerical data by indicating the number of data points that lie within a range of values. These ranges of values are called classes or bins and the frequency of the data that falls in each class is depicted by the use of a bar. The higher that the bar is, the greater the frequency of data values in that bin. Histograms can be commonly used in businesses and companies that could involved anything from employees, salaries, consumption of foods and time intervals.

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