MAT 1372_OL50 Bonanome Spring 2021

Bonanome | OL50 | Spring 2021

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OpenLab Assignment 2

Refer to your OpenLab Assignment #1 and answer the following questions:

  1. What company did you create your predictive model for?
  2. What was the 3/5/2021 stock price you predicted for your company using your model?
  3. What was the actual stock price of your company on 3/5/2021.
  4. Was there a difference between your prediction and the actual price? If so, what was it?

Please respond by writing a comment on this post – once it is “approved” you will receive credit. Please make sure you are a member of this site in order to view your grade in the course gradebook (the gradebook can be found as a widget in the right hand column menu at the bottom).

Lesson 11: Expected Value and Variance

Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, work on the Excel lecture and follow up with me if you have questions.


Learning Outcomes.

  • Assign probabilities to events using discrete probability distributions.
  • Find the variance and expected value of a discrete random variable.

Topic. This lesson covers: Expected Value and Variance

WeBWorK. Set 4.2 – due 3/21 at 4 pm

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