Bonanome | OL50 | Spring 2021

Author: Marianna Bonanome (Page 14 of 14)

Lesson 2: Graphical Descriptive Techniques

Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, work on the Excel lecture and follow up with your instructor if you have questions.


Learning Outcomes.

  • Collect, organize and graph raw data.
  • Know the difference between numerical and categorical variables.
  • Create grouped frequency distributions and histograms. Class intervals should be of equal width, chosen to effectively reveal informative patterns in the data, between 5 (for overview) and 15 (for some detail).
  • Describe a graphical display by first describing the overall pattern (e.g., roughly symmetrical or skewed right or left) and then deviations from that pattern, such as outliers.
  • Understand that the vertical axis of the histogram may be scaled for frequency or percentage (proportion), but the choice of vertical scaling will not affect the important features revealed by a histogram.
  • Excel: know how to freeze panes, sort and filter data, format tables, make charts and use pivot tables.

Topic. This lesson covers: Graphical Descriptive Techniques

WeBWorK: Sets 1.3, 2.1 & 2.2 – opens 2/4, 8 am due 2/11, 8 am

Creating a Histogram – Example from Excel Lecture 2 

Below you will find videos to help you organize and display data in Excel. By 2016, Microsoft had added a histogram to its charts. By clicking on the bottom axis, you can specify the number of bins or the class width. A further option is to use the data array calculation “frequency”. Here is a step-by-step guide. Once you have the table, you can create appropriate labels using columns of the left and right boundaries for each interval and  the “concatenate” function.

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Welcome MAT 1372/OL50 Students!!!

I am so pleased to be your professor this spring. We will have our first session on Blackboard Collaborate Tuesday (2/2) at 8 am. Please log into Blackboard to join. If you don’t yet have a Blackboard account (if you are new student) you can join this session with this link:

Please start by reviewing the Course Information and Course Calendar. We will go through this information together during our first class meeting so be ready with questions.

During this semester you will be expected to review the online lessons posted under Class Agendas before class and be prepared to work during our Blackboard session together on the Excel or Word lesson posted for that day. Your participation in OpenLab assignments will be incorporated as part of your grade.

This semester you will also be using WeBWorK through Rederly for your online homework. You will have a chance to ask questions about your homework as well during class and office hours. Instructions for registering for your online homework will be posted shortly.

Before our first class, please go through Lesson 1 and be ready to work together on the Excel file posted there.

Important: Please become a member of this site as I will be communicating with you through it by writing posts (for which you will get email notification).

Kind Regards,
Prof. Bonanome

Lesson 1: Introduction to Statistics and Excel

Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, and be prepared to work on the Excel lecture during class.

Learning Outcomes.

  • Know the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics.
  • Understand what a sample and population are (data for a sample is often collected even though what is of interest is the population).
  • Begin to create an understanding of the difference between probability and statistics (probability is the engine that makes statistics work, although there is a bit of a “which comes first, the chicken or the egg” issue).
  • Excel: format cells, use multiple worksheets, formulas (functions) and relative/absolute cell references.

Topic. This lesson is an introduction to Excel, Probability and Statistics

WeBWorK. Sets 1.1 & 1.2 – due 2/9 at 8:00 am

Install Microsoft Office on any device (tablet, laptop, desktop) that you may use for your coursework.

Below you will find a video to help you get started with Excel. For a more extensive introduction, try up to lesson 16 in the mini course by GCFglobal. When doing this course, have an Excel file open (perhaps the provided practice workbook). Those with Microsoft experience may opt to skip the first few lessons and begin with “5 Cell Basics“.

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