I am so pleased to be your professor this spring. We will have our first session on Blackboard Collaborate Tuesday (2/2) at 8 am. Please log into Blackboard to join. If you don’t yet have a Blackboard account (if you are new student) you can join this session with this link:


Please start by reviewing the Course Information and Course Calendar. We will go through this information together during our first class meeting so be ready with questions.

During this semester you will be expected to review the online lessons posted under Class Agendas before class and be prepared to work during our Blackboard session together on the Excel or Word lesson posted for that day. Your participation in OpenLab assignments will be incorporated as part of your grade.

This semester you will also be using WeBWorK through Rederly for your online homework. You will have a chance to ask questions about your homework as well during class and office hours. Instructions for registering for your online homework will be posted shortly.

Before our first class, please go through Lesson 1 and be ready to work together on the Excel file posted there.

Important: Please become a member of this site as I will be communicating with you through it by writing posts (for which you will get email notification).

Kind Regards,
Prof. Bonanome