The process towards designing my book helped me along the way. The idea for my book was to create a story between two wrestlers who are fighting each other. I created the book in a style that is similar to a comic book. The two wrestlers are named Finn Balor and Samoa Joe. The story was about how they began to fight each other on a wrestling show called NXT. Finn Balor was the NXT champion and met Samoa Joe, who was a new wrestler to NXT, but Samoa Joe betrayed him and wanted to fight him for his title. In the end, Finn Balor defeated Samoa Joe. I decided to go with this because I’m a fan of wrestling. I’ve always liked wrestling since I was kid so I wanted to do a story of two wrestlers in the form of a book.

When we went to printed matter, I saw many books that were very cool and interesting. I got inspired by some books that used monochromatic colors for each page. I found one book that used a lot of white space, and different monochromatic colors for each page. So for my book I decided to use one color for the background of each picture.

Before putting my images on the final product, I had to sketch my characters for the book first. I drew the two wrestlers as cartoon type of characters. I drew squares that represented each page, and the drawings would be inside those squares. I showed my professor the sketches of the mock book and she told me to put margins around the text and images. Then I was able to get started on the final book.

For my book I used 6×6 Bristol paper which included 10 pages. The cover had both wrestlers faces but only half of their faces could be seen. The title of the book was called Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe. I used a grid for the book which would align the text together on each page. The book is a story of how their first fight began. In the book, Samoa Joe is the villian and Finn Balor is the hero. Samoa Joe betrays Finn Balor which leads to their fight for the NXT Title. Finn gets his revenge by defeating Joe to conclude the story.