
June 2018:New York State License in Dental Hygiene

June 2018:New York State Dental Hygiene Restricted Local Infiltration Anesthesia/Nitrous Oxide Analgesia Certification

January 2018:Certified in Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse Maltreatment as a Mandated Reporter by New York State Office of Children and Family Services and Center for Development of Human Services.

September 2017:Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative: HSR for Undergraduate Students course:Ā citiCompletionReport

October 2016: Certified by American Red Cross in BasicĀ Life Support for Healthcare Providers in CPR and AED


  • Head/neck and intra-oral cancer screenings
  • Blood pressure screening
  • Thorough dental exam and periodontal screening
  • Exposing, mounting, and interpreting radiographs such as FMS, panorex and bitewings
  • Educating and motivating patients about their oral health and providing home care instruction based on a specific patientā€™s needs
  • Administering local anesthesia (infiltration), in addition to Oraqix and topical agents
  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation
  • Deep scaling and root planning using ultrasonics and wide variety of hand scalers
  • Oral prophylaxis
  • Fluoride treatments (Varnish, foam, gel)
  • Placement of Arestin and evaluation of pocket depths before and after
  • Placement of sealants with rubber dam and cotton roll isolation methods
  • Air polishing
  • Taking and pouring Alginate impressions
  • Periodontal dressing placement and removal
  • Experience in dental assisting