Homework Assignment 2, due Wed 9/27

Make an annotated bibliography entry for the assigned reading:

Mazor, Kathleen M, George W Reed, Robert A Yood, Melissa A Fischer, Joann Baril, and Jerry H Gurwitz. 2006. “Disclosure of medical errors.”  Journal of General Internal Medicine 21 (7):704-710.

You can find the article here.

This is an empirical article, so be sure to use the format for an empirical article. Your entry should include three things:

1. Reference

Format the reference in the Chicago Author-Date Style or another legitimate style of your choosing. You may cut and paste from above for this assignment.

2. Conclusions.

“Conclusions” are the claims that the authors think are supported by the evidence they present. They should be general and in the present tense.

3. Evidence

This section should briefly explain what the authors did (their “methods) and what they observed (their “results”). The results should clearly support the conclusions listed above. They should be specific and in the past tense.

Be sure to label each of the three sections. You do not need to include the fourth section, “relevance to my case,” because this piece is not necessarily relevant to your assigned group case.

Your entry should be in your own words. Your submission should be at least a half page (double-spaced), but should not exceed one page.

(150-300 words)

Please submit the assignment to turnitin.com before class (i.e. before 1 pm). 

Revised Homework Assignment 1, due Wednesday before class (9/20)

Revise your previous work on the LeMorvan and Stock article. Please remember to submit the assignment to turnitin.com before the next class (before 1pm on 9/20).

1. Make sure your thesis meets the criteria discussed in class. This means your thesis should be:

a. a truth claim (about the topic of the article, not the article)

b. concise

c. appropriately specific

2. Make sure that the arguments you mention support the thesis you have identified. This means that it should be clear how they make the thesis more probably true.

3. Double check to make sure you have not used the author’s words without using quotation marks!

Homework Assignment 1, due 9/18 in class

Read the article, “Medical learning curves and the Kantian ideal” (Le Morvan and Stock, link in syllabus) and answer the following questions concisely. Please use your own words. (Of course, if you do use the words of the authors, you must use quotation marks. But please try to use your own words).

  1. What is the thesis of this piece? 
  2. Briefly explain two major arguments the authors use to support their thesis. 

Your answer should be at least half a page but no more than one page (handwritten or typed and double spaced), or about 150-300 words.


I’m Dr. MacDougall, your professor for Interdisciplinary Health Care Ethics (PHIL 2203ID). There are two things I want you to know before our first meeting on August 28.

1. Most of our written interactions, class updates and materials, are available on our OpenLab site. Please join our OpenLab section as soon as possible. You will be required to join in order to participate in online discussions. You can also see the schedule and assignments there.

2. This class is an Open Educational Resource (OER) course. That means there is no textbook, and all readings are freely available online. This saves you money and means you can store all our readings on your hard drive, indefinitely! You can find links to class readings on the schedule page.

Let me know if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Dr. MacDougall