Annotated Bibliographies Graded

Dear Class, 

I have graded the annotated bibliographies. You can see your grades on, along with my comments. 

Please note, I have not graded papers from students who have not informed me about their roles. Please submit your role on the google form (see the earlier post) ASAP if you have not already done so. 

You are now ready to begin working on your papers. We will be talking more about the assignment in class, and there will be a handout on papers posted next week. 

Enjoy your weekend!

Dr. M

Midterm Grades Posted

Dear Class, 

Midterm exam grades are now available online. 

You can see your score for the midterm by going to “Tools,” then “My grades.” You can see which answers you got wrong and right by clicking on “Midterm,” then clicking on the “Calculated Grade.”  

We can discuss the exam when we meet on Tuesday. 

Dr. M


Two reminders about PHIL 2203ID today: 

  1. Annotated Bibliographies are due tonight, by midnight! Please upload them to Make sure to do it a few minutes before midnight, so that you have time to check the originality report and resubmit before the deadline! You can still make your first submission after the due date, but you can no longer resubmit. Please remember to read instructions for the assignment on Handout 1A and Handout 1B.
  2. No Zoom session today! Remember to watch the video and make your comments. See instructions here.

Reminder: Midterm Exam Today!

Our Mid-term Exam is today!

The test will be 75 minutes long and will be administered on Blackboard. You should receive an announcement to your email at 4:00pm, when it becomes available. You can also find it under “Content” in Blackboard after 4:00pm.

The exam is open book and open notes. I recommend that you study carefully for it by filling out the study sheet ahead of time. Most of the questions require understanding concepts, not simply repeating answers from the study sheet.

Do NOT plagiarize from the internet. Utilizing answers from class materials and lectures is acceptable. Plagiarism from the internet is grounds for a zero score on the test.

You can start it any time within the normal class period (4-5:15pm) and will receive a full 75 minutes to take the test. It is possible to pause the test and come back later, but the clock will keep ticking and you only have 75 minutes total to take the test. You will not be able to resume after 5:15pm.

If you need a special exception you need to contact me. If for some reason you don’t contact me and also don’t take it at the appointed time, you will need a documented excuse (either medical or related to bereavement) for permission to take it at another time.

Don’t forget to download the review sheet and fill it out before the test! And let me know if you have any questions.

Dr. M