11/9. Guest Lecture—“Further reflections on ethics in health communication.” Prof. David H. Lee (Communication/Humanities)

Please watch Dr. Lee’s second lecture in its entirety.

Then, make two posts below according to the following instructions. These comments are due before the following class period (i.e. before 4:00pm on Thursday, 11/11).

The first one is your own individual thoughts and response to the lecture. This post should be at least 75 words long. You should interact with main ideas, although what you say is up to you. You may want to criticize an idea, agree with something, or offer further insight or thoughts about some topic discussed by our guest. Or, you may want to pose a question for others about the lecture. I expect the post to interact with the content of the actual lecture, and not just the day’s topic or other thoughts you may be having.

The second post is an interactive comment, posted as a response to another student’s comment. There is no length requirement on this post.

11/4. Guest Lecture—“Medical authority, autonomy and reactance.” Prof. David H. Lee (Communication/Humanities)

Please watch Dr. Lee’s lecture in its entirety.

Then, make two posts below according to the following instructions. These comments are due before the following class period (i.e. before 4:00pm on Tuesday, 11/9).

The first one is your own individual thoughts and response to the lecture. This post should be at least 75 words long. You should interact with main ideas, although what you say is up to you. You may want to criticize an idea, agree with something, or offer further insight or thoughts about some topic discussed by our guest. Or, you may want to pose a question for others about the lecture. I expect the post to interact with the content of the actual lecture, and not just the day’s topic or other thoughts you may be having.

The second post is an interactive comment, posted as a response to another student’s comment. There is no length requirement on this post.

10/28. Guest Lecture—Statistical Reasoning and Comparing Health Care Systems, Prof. Gulgun Bayaz-Ozturk


Before beginning the lectures for today, please fill out one of the surveys below.

If your last name begins with letters A-L, take survey 1.

If your last name begins with letters M-Z, take survey 2.

Remember to record your response to the survey in your private notes. You will refer back to this response later during the lecture.

Then, watch both parts of the lecture by clicking here, or go to Blackboard, then navigate to: Content–Guest Lectures. Here you can also find “Closing in on Cancer,”the article Prof. Bayaz-Ozturk mentioned in her lecture. 

After watching both parts, please make comments according to the instructions below. These comments are due before the following class period (i.e. before 4:00pm on Tuesday 11/2) and will only count towards your grade if made before that time. 

The first one is your own individual thoughts and response to the lecture. This post should be at least 75 words long. You should interact with main ideas, although what you say is up to you. You may want to criticize an idea, agree with something, or offer further insight or thoughts about some topic discussed by our guest. Or, you may want to pose a question for others about the lecture. I expect the post to interact with the content of the actual lecture, and not just the day’s topic or other thoughts you may be having.

The second post is an interactive comment, posted as a response to another student’s comment. There is no length requirement on this post.

10/21. Guest Lecture. “Sociology and Environmental Justice.” Prof. Diana Mincyte, Sociology.

Class for Thursday, Oct. 21 is a recorded guest lecture. There is no class meeting on Zoom. 

This lecture is gated at Prof. Mincyte’s request. You can find the lecture by clicking here, or go to Blackboard, then navigate to: Content–Guest Lectures.

Please watch the video in its entirety, then make two posts below, according to the following instructions. These comments are due before the following class period (i.e. before 4:00pm on Tuesday, 10/26).

The first one is your own individual thoughts and response to the lecture. This post should be at least 75 words long. You should interact with main ideas, although what you say is up to you. You may want to criticize an idea, agree with something, or offer further insight or thoughts about some topic discussed by our guest. Or, you may want to pose a question for others about the lecture. I expect the post to interact with the content of the actual lecture, and not just the day’s topic or other thoughts you may be having.

The second post is an interactive comment, posted as a response to another student’s comment. There is no length requirement on this post.