Shitty First Drafts–Anabel Nunez

Writing a first draft is about the process of writing it. The emotions and the thoughts that go through your head while trying to write something down. The part where one struggles to think of anything or having writers block is what makes you better for the next time. It gives you time to realize and analyze what you did wrong and what could be done better on your next draft. During this you can write out anything as Lamott said nobody is going to read it, it’s a place to let all kinds of words out on paper and fix it up later.

According to Lamott’s essay “But this is just the fantasy of the uninitiated. I know some very great writers, writers you love who write beautifully and have made a great dealof money, and not one of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident. Not one of them writes elegant first drafts.” No one starts off with a perfect piece of writing. Even those who are authors struggle to come up with a good story that will engage the reader. There is an unrealistic statement made that authors can easily write anything that comes to them and easily make it a hit. But that is very untrue aswell as anyone else who is writing a story, it takes time. It takes many tries and efforts and fixing until it all connects.

This piece of writing is a non-fiction informative article because it speaks about the truth of being a writer. The reality of it all not just the beauty of the finished product. It gives anyone who reads it a place to relate to what is being said as we have all at some point have had to write a first draft.

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