Shitty First Drafts–Kinga Zimnoch

Part A) Writing a first draft is more about the process than the product. The first draft is more of anything you have in your mind, and you just write it down, no thoughts whatsoever. The first draft really challenges you on what you can think of from the spot no matter how wrong or right you can be. The first draft is first base, and the second draft just corrects grammatically what you have said and makes it neater for you to understand. Lamott says that for the first draft you just must trust the process. 

Part B) “The first draft is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later.” What this means is for your first draft it does not matter how messy your paper will look but that you share all your thoughts and ideas. I find this quote to be significant to me because sharing my thoughts on paper has been hard for me and I would always need to plan it out for myself of I would not feel “perfect.”  

Part C) The genre I would call this type of writing to be is Narrative because the author shares personal events they have gone through when writing a draft. The author’s personal experience ties in with the focus of this story. It can also let the audience relate to what the authors say and that they are not alone.  

3 thoughts on “Shitty First Drafts–Kinga Zimnoch”

  1. Hi Kinga! I relate to you when it comes to having a difficult time putting your thoughts on paper in fear of it not being perfect. I hope this reading gave you reassurance just like it did for me.

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