I.INTRO- speaking spanish at home and english in school
II. why was it hard for me
III. scene when they put me to a spanish class
IV. seen my progress in learning two langugues
V. why was it hard for me to learn two langugues at the same time
VI. having trouble with my homework
My mom and Dad only talk spanish and at home i have to speak spanish only because they can’t understand english and i would have trouble understanding some words or translating some words and it would be very stressful for me. At school i would only talk english with my friends and no spanish so i wouldn’t practice a lot and at home.
when i got put to some spainsh class i was very nerovus because my spanish was bad. My classmate were speaking in spanish and i was shook because there was no one speaking english so that helped me a lot because i was speaking enlgish and spanish in school. This was very helpful for me because i was being teach spainsh that made me improve my spanish.
when i was in 6 grade i would go everywhere with my parents and i would translate and back then i couldn’t do that because my spanish was bad at translating. so thats where i saw i was improving and i got to help people that speak spanish and translate in english.
learning two langugues at the same time is hard because you have to learn a lot of words and make your langugue flute and make it make sense.
when i was in 4th grade i would need help with my homework and my mom and dad couldn’t help because they wouldn’t understand it a lot and it would stress me a lot because i would need help and i didn’t have no one to help me.