Writing task saved— Leslie

A time where there was a difference made in my school life was in high school. Throughout the years of my middle and beginning high school years I always disliked the subject of math.I hated math. I tried back then (in middle school) to join this club called the “math club” to see if the people there could help me but it didn’t work out.Most of the time the teacher just sat at her desk waiting for someone with a question to come up to her or she would be busy working on other stuff. I sometimes felt like I was just wasting my time there.Other times I would focus on doing my homework from classes. That club I joined I felt did not help me like at all. This was actually one of the reasons why I did poorly in middle school. I didn’t really have the best grades, missed most of the homeworks due dates,sometimes didn’t even hand the homework in. Fast forward to high school where I had the same situation about the homeworks during my first year. But that was because I felt the teacher was bad at teaching.She would teach us with this feeling of her not wanting to be there. It looked like she didn’t like teaching. I would say she is one of the worst teachers I have ever had. Then came the pandemic around the end of my freshman year and since classes had to be canceled, school was being closed,going all remote it was even more difficult in the beginning I felt, adjusting to everything. But for me it going remote wasn’t bad. I can’t believe im saying this but I actually liked having class online since I didn’t have to wake up early,prepare for school, be on time and all that stuff. I still did struggle with math but not as much. I think its because the teacher I had online was not so bad. She actually teached very well. I felt like I actually understood how to solve a specific problem. I think its because she went slow with it though. She didn’t move on so fast to a different topic/lesson like my freshman year teacher did. This was during sophomore year. In my junior year of high school it was was not bad either. I realized there in what topics I had many strengths in. Some topics I was so confident in. I never had problems with the work in that class. In my senior year I had some problems at the beginning but with the help of my teachers, going to tutotring wasn’t bad. I would say that the people who I felt “saved” me/helped me a lot was my teachers in junior and senior year of h.s.

2 thoughts on “Writing task saved— Leslie”

  1. Pls work on paragraph breaks — avoid long blocks of text! new topic = new paragraph.

    Another point: You need ONE thing to focus on.

    Is your focus on your struggle with math? That could work — but try not to cover too long a stretch of time. Will you focus on math in your senior year?

    What about when you bring in pandemic school years — Is this still focusing your struggle with math? It’s not clear.

  2. Here is an idea for a scene:

    You write: Fast forward to high school where I had the same situation about the homeworks during my first year. But that was because I felt the teacher was bad at teaching.She would teach us with this feeling of her not wanting to be there. It looked like she didn’t like teaching. I would say she is one of the worst teachers I have ever had. 

    Can you SHOW me how bad this teacher and her class was — by turning this into a scene?

    What was her name? What did she do that was NOT effective? What was the classroom like? What did she do that let you know she was “not wanting to be there”? SHOW ME with details and description. Create Theatre of the MInd for your reader!

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