Writing Task Mentor Quote – Jacob S

“Don’t panic. It’s the first helpful or intelligible thing anybody’s said to me all day.”

My peer mentor would be my dad because he has helped me a lot with coping with my transition to college and during my senior year of high school when I was applying for different colleges. When I was doing the application process, it gave me a lot of anxiety because I knew sooner or later, I would become a college student like I am right now. I always found the thought of a college transition to be super difficult and hard to settle as a college student. But my dad has helped me a ton to cope with the thought of college. Even after I became a college student like I am right now, he always helped me get through the hard parts of being a freshman in a new school. Like having new teachers, in a new location, with brand new students I’ve never met in my life.

The quote I used above is from a movie called Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy and it was one of my dad’s favorite films back in the day and he would always reference that movie to different things a lot like this.

1 thought on “Writing Task Mentor Quote – Jacob S”

  1. Good work here.

    If you choose to use this as the seed of your Ed Narrative essay — then —

    Can you set the scene and describe that moment when you were applying to college and feeling “panicked” and your Dad sat with you and helped you out?

    What’s your dad’s backstory? Did he go to college? Here or in Ukraine? How does his educational story connect to your journey here in America?

    ALSO — you might be able to think of a time when your dad’s words “Don’t Panic” helped you in a school situation. For instance, did you hear these words when you started the first questions of an important exam? Or when you gave a presentation at school? Or had a meeting with a dean?

    I love how you tie this quote back to a famous film and famous book. Have you seen the film? read the book? What exactly does your Dad say about this quote and the film/book?

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