Success Tips- Afrah Mohsin

Tip1; This tip speaks to me personally because I am afraid of public speaking and speaking out loud in general. I will try my best to use this tip in class because it will improve my communication skills and help me overcome my fears. Something I would do differently now is participate more in class and ask questions. Now that I have read this college tip, I need to speak more and communicate with my classmates more than I used to. I would also ask my professors for other ways to participate. For example, online discussions or small group discussions because I think that I contribute more in small groups.   

Tip2; This tip is significant personally because I am a person who likes to show up to classes early. and I do not miss any class unless I am sick or something important occurs. I realize that coming to class is important because you are proofing to your professor that you really care about your grades and that you are taking this course seriously. By coming to class, you will meet new people/ make friends, and get to know your professor’s personality. It’s beneficial to come to class on time because some professors give quizzes in the first 20 minutes of class. so, if you come late, you will miss them and probably fail. I would make sure that I come to class and be 5 or 10 minutes early so I don’t miss any important information. What I used to do in high school was that I would come to class late 5 min or exactly on time. I realize in college you need to arrive early because it’s a bigger place. I might get lost in the building or the elevators might not be working. For this reason, arriving to class 10 or 15 minutes early is better, in my opinion.

1 thought on “Success Tips- Afrah Mohsin”

  1. Excellent strategies for doing well. Your points show that you are serious about your education and taking responsiblity for your school life.

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