success Tips- Kaiulani P.

Tip 3: I have always struggled participating and speaking in front of the class, but it is a tip I need to work on. I tend to get nervous and scared to speak in a setting like that. Participating can help me stay engaged throughout the class and can help me better understand the work I am given. I will start asking more questions and answering questions I know the answer to better my learning. Overtime I hope to be comfortable in a public setting and feel free to ask and answer questions that I have. This is an Important skill to have in other aspects in life other that school because I will need to learn to speak for jobs and to simply get through life.  

Tip 8: I tend to struggle with change and trying new things. Which is why I need to focus on trying new things and other methods. I also struggle with finding the best way to study and the only way I can find what works and does not work for me is to try new things. This is also a skill that I think is important in life because with anything I do I am going to need to try it to see if I like it or it works for me. I need to be willing to change my methods to find what works better and benefits me more. This is why I am going to work on trying different methods at least once to find what works.  

1 thought on “success Tips- Kaiulani P.”

  1. Tip #8 is also a challenge for me. I tend to also struggle in trying new and different things since at a very young age can be difficult. Change can definitely be for both the better or worse but its a skill I also want to get better at.

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