Success tips– Leslie N.

Tip 2: Coming to class mentally can be hard for me because, sometimes I feel like it’s hard to stay focused when there are other things keeping me from focusing like not getting enough sleep and having to wake up early the next day. I can use tip 2 in class by focusing on both my sleep and eating schedule. I can also let the teacher know in advance if I will have to miss class for a day or more. I think tip 2 is correct it is better to let the professor know about the issues I’m dealing with in advance than on the spot. I remember that I always used to get to sleep late and wake up late back in high school which kind of caused me to have bad attendance and almost fail one of my classes for the first semester of the marking period. During the third marking period of my last semester, I realized that this needs to change. I can´t keep going like this. Even my teacher had told me that it was a major problem that needed to be fixed. So during that third marking period, I was able to sleep somewhat earlier and I did come less often late to class which honestly is not so bad now as it was before.

Tip 5: Understanding deadlines can be difficult for me since I’m a person who can sometimes struggle with work. Like sometimes I don’t know how to start the intro of an essay or how to solve that specific problem. I end up spending lots of time just trying to figure out what to write or how to show my work and explain it properly. I can use tip 5 in class by being more open about it to my professors, asking for help when I need it, and letting them know if it is possible to extend the deadline or not. I remember that sometimes whenever I struggled with a lesson/topic really badly I just gave up on it and did not continue it or even start it since I already knew how difficult I felt it was for me. This led me to have a failing grade in class and my guidance counselor told me “Hey you need to ask for help if you are having a hard time” Even my mother ended up finding out about my grade in that class that I had to go to tutoring to get my grade up. I did even though I didn’t want to because I didn’t like the idea of having to stay after school and not being able to hang out with my friends. I realize now that sometimes you have to do things for yourself. Prioritize yourself over anybody else.

3 thoughts on “Success tips– Leslie N.”

  1. Tip 2: I also agree that coming to class mentally is important and with everything else going on in life it can be hard to focus and stay engaged and starting good habits like eating and sleeping well is helpful when trying to stay focus.

  2. I agree with tip 5 when it comes to meeting deadlines. It can be difficult sometimes especially when you don’t what words to use or even how to start a certain assignment. Which is why in college it is important to ask as many questions to make sure that you understanding the material given.

  3. I agree with tip 2, Coming to class mentally is hard, especially when you are struggling to go to sleep on time. Or when you can’t focus because you’re hungry and there wasn’t enough time for you to eat before you made it to school. What will you do to fix these things you are struggling with? What helps you focus in class? I also still struggle with meeting deadlines for assignments for some of the same reasons you do.

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