Intro – Jessica

Hey my name is Jessica Yupa and I am 18 years old. I was born in the Bronx, but I was raised in New Jersey my first 3 years because my dad was deported back to Ecuador and my mom had no one else, but her uncle who was in New Jersey. My dad then came to the U.S again and we came back to living in the Bronx. My brother was then born 3 years after me. I come from a Hispanic family, so I do speak Spanish fluently. As I grew up and went to school I did learn how to read and write and talk in English, but for some reason I always have trouble understanding some things like if I don’t know the language. Although I wasn’t born in Ecuador, I still consider it to be home because I’ve traveled there 4 times and if I could, I would stay there for the rest of my life. Being in Ecuador taught me to be a very humble person because seeing how people live in poverty, taught me how to value the things I have in life.  

Growing up, I have always been a quiet and shy girl. I’m always comfortable talking to people I know and making new friends was always hard since people always thought I was mean and well because I was always scared to talk to people. I’m a really cool and chill person when you get to know me. A few more things to know about me are that I like to play soccer and I like going places with my friends. Exploring unfamiliar places will always be a thing that I like. Making new memories and just living life to the max in general. I love to travel and well on my next trip I plan to go to Alaska and find the northern lights. Lastly, the thing I love most is sports cars. During the month of April, I got to see so many different types of cars at Jarvis Center. It was the best experience because I got to see my favorite car model, BMW’s.  

1 thought on “Intro – Jessica”

  1. Hey Jessica,

    I also went to Jarvis Center this year! I loved the custom cars that people brought like this one that was purple Versace inspired. Also I was in love with the Dodge charger Daytona SRT!

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