Intro – Jacob Scoll

Hi y’all. What’s up. My name’s Jacob Scoll and I am a freshman at City Tech. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I am currently working towards my major which is Radiological Technology. If you don’t know what that is, it’s basically where you work with machines and x-rays on different people. It’s what you can call a medical field type job but also very technologically based.

English wasn’t my first language at home. When I was born and up until I was 4-5, I mainly only spoke Russian. This was because my mom was from the Soviet Union which, back when it was still a country, was in Ukraine. But I’ve forgotten how to speak it long ago so English is pretty much all I speak. Another thing about me is that, I am also Jewish. Living as a Jew was kind of hard because people in school would constantly stereotype me with orthodox Jews. For example, sometimes people would judge me for eating pork because apparently that’s a sin against that religion. Or they would ask me why I don’t wear Yamahas, which if you don’t know, are tiny hats worn by other orthodox Jews. I, for one, am not an orthodox Jew, I don’t participate in any Jewish tradition except Hannukah. And also, in general, people never wanted to take me seriously because I wasn’t a Christian like they were, mostly to just get a rise out of me. I was generally the odd one out since there were barely any Jewish people in any of my schools. But besides that, I’ve made tons of friends and hope to make plenty more here in the future. I hope you enjoyed my little intro that I made in like the span of 25 mins. Have a great rest of your day! Goodbye.

1 thought on “Intro – Jacob Scoll”

  1. Good work! This is writing is full of character and shows your friendly nature.

    Looking foward to our Educational Narrative assignment — Have suffered from other students at school having a set of assumptions about you because you are Jewish? Have people at school stereotyped you and how have you handled that? Is this an important part of your educational story?

    Could this be the seed of your Ed Narrative story?

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