Outline genre project– Leslie

Title: The Physical and Mental Sides of Stress 

Part I- Intro:

Music playing in the background] Hi my name is leslie. I’m bringing you this podcast called The Physical; and Mental Side of Stress. Today I will be talking about stress. Stress by definition is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. I get stressed out from work and school. I know that other people out there feel the same way but need help understanding this topic even deeper like what it means or ways to reduce stress in their lives. When I’m stressed out, I usually don’t end up talking to anyone, not even to my siblings. Being like this or feeling like this is not a good thing and can affect your body very badly because of all the pressure that is being put on the body. In this podcast, I will help you gain a deeper insight into what stress does to our mental health. I will be interviewing my sister Laura. Laura is a teenage girl who currently has felt stress through school. [Music playing] [I will then start the conversation by asking questions and Laura will then answer back]  

Part 2:

  • “How would you describe/define stress?”  
  • Tell me about a time when you experienced stress. 
  • What kinds of methods do you use to manage this stress? 
  • In what way can you help others overcome their feeling of stress? 
  • How effective are these methods to reduce stress? Do you feel like they help? 

Part III: Conclusion

So based on what you heard from this podcast stress is a big issue that not many people are aware of and don’t exactly quite understand its proper definition. But there are many ways to reduce stress such as breathing exercises, meditation, and more. {include a happy sound] If you feel like these methods to reduce stress are not helpful I suggest that you go see a psychologist or a therapist who can run a quick diagnostic and you and find out why these forms of management are not helping you like they should be for everyone else. Do not fret or worry though because I’m sure one day you will be able to feel less stressed out. After all, stress is manageable, and not an illness. What I’m trying to say is that stress may seem like an overly easy topic to evaluate but in reality, it’s not.  Thank you for listening, have a good day. 

1 thought on “Outline genre project– Leslie”

  1. In your RAB you learned a lot about the SCIENCE of stress on the body. I read that in your RAB, and you did a good job on that — so — Can you work some of this knowledge into your intro? It would help the audience to understand the physical aspect of stress on the body. Don’t forget that your question is also about the physical aspect of stress on the body.

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