outline genre project podcast- Ashley


Intro/ hook:

The podcast will begin with clips of different women sharing their personal experiences of sexism and how they feel about it. they will also speak about how the situation made them feel and what they wish they would’ve done differently at the time. I’ll have women from different ages sharing their stories, (my friend Ashley and my sister Carolyn). So, people see that it happens to not just women, but young girls too. After ill share some stories from a website that Laura Bates created about women and young girl’s stories they’ve shared. 

Middle part: 

My name is Ashleymassiel Cruz I’m a student at NYCCT and nobody speaks about how much women experience sexism to the point where it’s part of our daily routine and some women don’t find it sexism because society made it such a normal thing in our day-to-day lives. Ill begin speaking about how sexism targets women more than men and about my research on how women are given a harder time at the job so most of them quit before they reach the higher levels, which may be management or etc. I will also include how some men also experience sexism but not the way women do. 


  1. How does a man getting all the credit in a shared project make you feel?
  2. Do you think being cat called is a part of sexism? 
  3. Have you ever experienced sexism at work? 
  4. How do you think we can change sexism in the world?
  5. What is your opinion on misogyny? Do you think it’s increased?


“How is he younger and can go outside alone but I can’t and I’m older?” That’s what I told my mom on a daily basis because I was limited to certain things like I couldn’t go on sleepovers, wasn’t allowed to go outside when it was getting dark, and etc. “He’s a boy nothing will happen to him, but to you something might and I’m just trying to protect you,” she would say back. I would do dishes and learn how to cook while my brother played video games because, “you’re a girl your supposed to know how to do this for when you get a husband. 

1 thought on “outline genre project podcast- Ashley”

  1. OK — In the ending part — ADD some summing up thoughts, solid closing thoughts — your message! — after you give those contrasting attitudes exhibited by your own mom towards her two children!

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