Mentor Text Analysis Of Podcast – Jacob. B

With The Opioids Crisis Don’t Stop at Narcan (

Intro I- In the beginning Kristina V opens by stating her research and facts. You start to understand about the topic and what it is right away. You can get this immediately from the beginning from her using her facts of the jump. Then in the end of the intro she introduces a New Britain first responder chief Raul Ortiz and what his connection to the topic is. (End (.42)

Middle Part II- In the second part of this podcast she brings in the chief Raul Ortiz. You can hear the voice change switching from her voice to Ortiz. He starts to talk about the topic and how Narcan saved lives. Kristina then explains a part were the chief saved a life and then you can hear that chief Ortiz talked about the moment. (End (1.31)

Part III- After Raul Ortiz finishes talking about that moment she moves on and states some more of her research. She then introduces Patrick Ciardullo and his background captain of professional standers and training at the New Britain emergency medical services academy. Then she explains his take on the topic. After that you can hear that another voice switch happens to Ciardullo supporting his side of the topic. It sounds like there is a con to Narcan due to Ciardullo talking that it’s only a quick fix. (End (2.34)

Part IV- After Ciardullo gave his side of the topic Kristina starts to state her research. New Britain EMS and fire department used Narcan about 150 times on people from Many 2017-2018. 5 overdoes deaths a month. She then brings in Ciardullo voice again and he explains how the amount given to people has gone up to take effect. The opioid had gotten even stronger over time. (End (3.25)

Middle End Part V – She starts to close of her podcast by giving solutions to the topics problem. Kristina starts to restate some of the point that Ciardullo has said. I believe this is from her researching. Then brings in both Ortiz and Ciardullo sound clips to speak about their solutions they might have. That there is a lot of opioid usage in every age. (End (4.42)

Outro- In the end she gives credit to both men that gave sound clips to use on her podcast and thanking them. Then gave out where to get more podcast and said her name and who she was with. When she would include Ortiz and Ciardullo it would sound like sound clip not an interview. This was about 5 minutes long. I think that the message was show there can be other ways then using Narcan.  

I will use this podcast to from my own. It was very clear and understanding. I will probably add my own thinking to my podcast. I will use the research I gained as well.

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