RAB Source Entry 3–Anabel Nunez


Misleading Food Labels: Don’t Believe Everything You Read | ABC KSAT 12 NEWS | Youtube| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ7-uotOd90 Accessed 15 January. 2022.


In this two-minute video by KSAT 12 news registered dietitian nutritionist Tara Collingwood brings light to the real meaning of words such as whole grain and multigrain. Most products mention being natural but include no natural products. Collingwood advices for consumers to not just look at the front of the package but to study the ingredients on the back. Products with man made ingredients and genetically modified food are often put under the labels “natural” or “organic”. Collingwood mentions that most family farms are half owned by the actual family that is marketing the products being sold. Family owned farms are most trusted by consumers that are convinced that these farms support their values on food. Reporters speak on words not being regulated and avoiding products that include “refined grains”, “sugars”, and “hydrogenated oils.” This news report concludes by stating that choosing items with whole foods as its first ingredients would be the better option.  


I agree with this news report as I am a consumer myself that is trying to make better choices on my diet. Being in the fitness world it is important to keep track of what is going on in your body. When reading certain  food labels it is easy to be convinced that the marketers are being honest about their products, these companies care about the consumer. All throughout my life I have always been curious about what certain words mean on the things I eat. Seeing large words that are hard to understand I have fallen at fault to ignore them and just continue to purchase those products. KSAT brings attention to the fact that food labels are not being regulated at all. I am amazed that very few could define what the word “natural” really means when a label mentions it. Being a supporter of Whole grain bread I have always considered this the healthy kind of bread to later discover that it inculdes very little of the actual whole grain. Without any clarifications I believe we as consumers will continue to be manipulated into thinking that what we are spending on products are worth their actual price. 


This is a news report with the targeted audience being the general public. The purpose of this news report is to inform the general public of the misleading labels manufacturers are selling to the public. ABC KSAT 12 News is a television station in San Antonio, Texas leader of breaking news, weather and sports. KSAT provides a look at local, regional, statewide and national news. The tone of this news report is informative to the public about what the public is consuming, making sure to not believe everything that is stated on labels. The rhetorical appeal used is logos and ethos as the news reporters are using statistics to support the claims they are making about food labels while the report has an interview with a nutritionist. 


 â€śTo protect yourself, ignore the ingredients in the front packaging, study the ingredients list and avoid foods that list refined grains, sugar, and hydrogenated oils.” (KSAT 1:49)

“Made with whole grains this implies that 100% of grains used are whole it really means the recipe includes only a pinch of whole grains” (KSAT 0:38)

“The word natural implies no man made ingredients, organic, and non GMO what it really means nothing at all”(KSAT 1:06)

“When the labels say multi-grain it implies more helpful whole grains but many of these foods are full of refined grains and nutritiousness say to disregard this completely.”(KSAT 0:55)

1 thought on “RAB Source Entry 3–Anabel Nunez”

  1. Summary: Add the name of the nutrition expert. Use quotes around the words you are emphasizing as controversial. Otherwise, good!

    Reflection OK.

    Good Rhetorical Analysis. Ethos — the report has an interview with a nutritionist.

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