My research question is: What are the positive and negative effects of caffeine? This topic interests me because coffee has always been a staple drink in my family. It was a way for all of us to come together whether it be in the morning or night. Ever since I was younger everyone in my family would sit and have a cup of coffee whether they had the time or not. This also interests me because I have heard many good and bad things about coffee. I already know that people use coffee to give them energy and wake themselves up. I know that coffee has caffeine which is a stimulant drug and can become very addictive. I also know that millions of people of all ages drink coffee every day. Some points I plan to explore and find out more about are the positive effects that coffee can have on people’s everyday life. I would also like to find out the negative effects coffee has on everyday life as well as the suggested about of coffee consumption.
Callahan, Alice. “How Much Coffee Is Too Much Coffee?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 26 Sept. 2023,
Hey Kaiulani, I can relate to your proposal since I am a person who likes to drink coffee too. I don’t drink it every day but once in a while, I do. I think you could have included if you also drink coffee or not. But overall your proposal was done very well. You answered all the questions. I think those points you want to explore will be interesting, especially the one about the coffee consumption suggestion.
Hi Kaiulani, I am interested in what your topic will be about because i have had times where i would take in caffeine from coffee, and energy drinks and it having different effects on me. I agree with Leslie that you should add if you drink any form of caffeine and if so how it affected you. I like all your questions and hope to learn more about it!