Practice Reflection-Ariana Dominguez

I agree with the information the author Berliner is putting out, she talks about how schools are the cause for kids losing their curiosity. As a student I can relate to how this is true, schools are the reason for our loss of curiosity. When Engel the professor of development psychology at Williams College states “It’s not surprising that high-performing students studied by American researcher in 2013 were found to less curious, because they saw curiosity as a risk to their results. The question they asked were aimed at improving their results, whereas the questions asked by more curious students were aimed at understanding a topic more deeply.”  I definitely feel like this even now in college there are certain times were teachers only want to get through their lesson and don’t really allow the students to be more out there or are being shut down to keep them on track to what the teacher is teaching. 

4 thoughts on “Practice Reflection-Ariana Dominguez”

  1. Hey Ariana, I love the quote you chose. I would look over your second sentence because you do repeat yourself. The second sentence is a perfect sentence to add a time where your curiosity was shut down by a teacher. Also the way you introduced the quote, make sure to add the comma after Engel and after the word states.

  2. Hi Ariana, I can relate to you about how teachers don’t make enough time for questions to happen. They focus too much on getting through their lesson that most of the time they forget to ask us questions and make sure we understand the lessons. I think this is why most of the time students don’t end up doing well at school. I like your practice reflection it was done very well.

  3. Hey Ariana, I agree that schools are the cause to us not being as curious. I think that schools are more focused on the lesson rather than getting us interested in it. Miah is correct the second sentence is were you repeat yourself. The quote you pick was great and you explained it very well.

  4. Your paragraph devotes more space to repeating a MI — instead in the Reflection I want to read your own original thinking on the main ideas.

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