Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes–Kinga Zimnoch

I agree with the information Wendy Berliner presented. She has many articles and writers that support her reason of how schools are killing curiosity. From my experience in school, I always had teachers who supported the students, whether their curious question took up time. Asking curious questions helped me with holding on to information longer than I could remember for the future. I remember feeling more comfortable in class because the teachers would let us ask all the questions we wanted. “Teachers who concentrate on developing focus and good behavior because of the links to good academic performance, now need to take on board that developing curiosity could be even more important.” Some teachers of mine would say “let’s get back on track” when other students were curious about something and were going off topic. “questioning drops like a stone once children start school.” In my math class in highschool it just felt like the teacher was talking to herself because the class was so quiet, the teacher would ask us students to ask questions. “What children love to do is copy what adults are doing with objects.” I can relate to this because as a child i would view adults as smarter and i would tend to find ways to be smart like them. In this situation i would follow the way a teacher was explaining weather there were other harder or easier methods.

3 thoughts on “Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes–Kinga Zimnoch”

  1. Hey Kinga, the beginning four sentences of your reflection were great. The first quote you mention is a perfect quote to help become a bit more specific on how teacher(s) who let students (including you) ask questions made you feel comfortable and even perform better as a student. Also edit the way you introduced the quotes so its more clearer. The rest seemed more of summary.

  2. Hi Kinga, the example you gave shows how this affected you in a personal way. It’s nice to know that in your school curiosity was not being put to the side. The teachers at your school seemed to encourage curiosity and did not care about all the millions of questions the students asked. Your reflection shows how you agree with what the author is saying, but I agree with Miah that at the end it looks like started talking about the article in a summary.

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