Practice reflection– Leslie

I agree with the information that the author presents. Schools should stop killing children’s curiosity. As we can see it is affecting the children’s growth physically. This topic of the schools killing curiosity is really relatable. I have a sister who is 13 years old. The other day when she came home from school, she was asking me these questions from a lesson she had learned. She told me that she was learning about the central nervous system in science class but, she did not know how our nervous system is developed or how it works. My sister (Sara) asked the teacher but the teacher acted like she didn’t see my sister raising her hand.  My sister got tired of raising her hand so she put it down. So, she came to me asking questions like “How does this work? How does our brain know when we are feeling anxious, mad, sad?” She was asking these questions along with other questions. I tried answering her questions and explaining them to her in a way that she could understand. But she was asking a bunch of questions and I kind of got annoyed that I just told her to shut up. I did feel bad afterwards because she was still a kid in middle school but I was just so tired of her questions. She didn’t really talk to me for the rest of the day but I did apologize to her and searched for a video online for her to watch so she could understand that topic more. So, in a way, I can understand where the author comes from. Teachers should encourage curiosity more in school.

2 thoughts on “Practice reflection– Leslie”

  1. I liked that you gave a scene to show that sometimes teachers ignore their student’s curiosity, another thing you should write about is how did your sister act after that scene. was she still raising her hand and asking questions at school or is she still asking you questions or she stopped after what happened?

  2. It’s interesting that you found yourself behaving just as teachers in the classroom do.

    I don’t think the author mentioned “mental health” — be careful NOT to add points that are NOT in the article.

    You need to work on your sentence phrasing: Be more clear and direct in your language.

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