Summary Practice- Jacob.B

Part 1 MLA Citation

Berliner, Wendy. “Schools Are Killing Curiosity”: Why We Need To Stop Telling Children To Shut Up and Learn.” The Guardian, 28, Jan.2020. The Guardian

Part 2 Summary

In the article “Schools are Killing Curiosity” the author talks about how schools are not encouraging children to become curious. American research suggests that we should enforce questions because more of the curious children do much better. Also, that when it was time for good performance in school the ability to stay focused was more important than the children’s questions. In 2007 researchers logged questions found out that children in ages 14 months to 5 years old asked about 107 questions an hour. The author of The Hungry Mind Susan Engel research that American suburban elementary school asked only 2-5 questions with in a 1-to-2-hour length of time. As they got older the children at 10 and 11 years of age failed to ask their teachers a single question. American researchers found in 2013 that students saw curiosity a threat to their results and the question asked were to improve their results. The students that were just genuinely curious wanted to understand the topic better. Wendy Berliner the author of this article shared that toys were taken from children and replaced with cardboard, tin cans, pots, old phones, kettles anything with a creative possibility. She states that children immediately took to the objects and had imaginary phone calls and used cardboard as spaceship and most haven’t asked for the toys back. Wendy expresses that schools should not limit children’s curiosity, but instead use it in the way for them to get along in their education. 

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