Summary Practice- Ashley

Part 1 MLA Citation 

 Berliner, Wendy. ‘Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need To Stop Telling Children To Shut Up and Learn.” The Guardian, 28, Jan.2020. The Guardian

Part 2 Summary: 

            In the passage Schools are killing curiosity, by Wendy Berliner, is about young students being curious but the teacher’s not paying attention to them. According to the writer, when children’s questions aren’t answered, when they grow up they give up on asking. The writer gives an example of children’s curiosity being shut down when they mention, “But research from Susan Engel, an author of The Hungry Mind and a leading international authority on curiosity in children, finds questioning drops like a stone once children start school.” Berliner is informing us regarding how children ought to be permitted to be interested and not shut them down when they have questions since it permits them to develop and advance their insight. She likewise makes reference to how educators shut down kids when they have questions on the grounds that its “upsetting” to the class and say they are zeroing in on some unacceptable thing; while being interested permits them to pose more inquiries as they progress in years to have the option to grow their insight. 

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