Summary Practice – Emily Aragon M

Part 1: MLA Citation

Wendy Berliner, “Schools are Killing Curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn” The Guardian, 28 January, 2020

Part 2: Summary

In the article, “Schools are Killing Curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn” Wendy Berliner argues that kids should be encouraged to be curious in school. Berliner uses many studies to back up her claim. For example she utilizes the studies from the University of Michigan to support her argument. She states that the researchers discovered, “that the most curious children performed best.” Berliner further goes on to state that a study from Susan Engel reveals, “questioning drops like a stone once children start school.” Berliner conveys that schools shut down students curiosity. She explains how there are a lack of teachers who really do encourage curiosity and that most teachers focus on keeping students focused and well behaved . Berliner concludes her article by insisting that children should be free to ask questions whenever.

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