Summarize Practice- Vanessa Marquez

Berliner, Wendy. “‘Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, 28 Jan. 2020. The Guardian,

In the article “Schools are killing Curiosity” it is about children curiosity being shut down. This can affect the way children think as in being creative or being open minded. Throughout the article there are researchers who say that teachers should let kids ask their questions and encourage them to be curious. Every time the students want to know something they are shut down and put back on “track”. Those students who ask questions and are curious are able to preform better unlike other kids who are shut down. One of the research say “Children full of question about things that interest them are learning not to ask them at school. Against a background of test and targets, unscripted queries go mainly unanswered and learning opportunities are lost” This is so true, when they are turned away they aren’t able to understand something better or be able to explore more.

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