Writing Task Mentor Quote – Emily

“You’re a very smart girl and I know that you can do it.”

My parents often tell me this when they find me struggling. They’re always there to comfort me, especially my dad. My father once caught me crying after school because I had gotten a message from a college informing me that it was too late to apply for their major. I had fully set my eyes on that major and I was upset at myself for that. My baby brother was the one who told my dad I was crying, although he couldn’t speak he tried pulling my dad towards my room. My dad comforted me and told me that it wasn’t too late to apply to other colleges. I was so scared to tell him that I didn’t know what I wanted to do. He told me that anything I choose to study, he will always support me and that he believes I’ll be able to succeed.

Although my dad never went through the same things as me, he always tries to put himself in my position. I’m so grateful that my dad believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. This motivated me to become someone that my parents and myself would be proud of. I know that whenever I’m ever feeling unmotivated, I can always go to my dad to reassure me that everything will be okay. So now whenever I feel the lack of motivation, I always remember that it’ll all be better in the future.

4 thoughts on “Writing Task Mentor Quote – Emily”

  1. Hey Emily, I’m glad you were motivated to continue and have the support you needed at the time. Sometimes things can make us feel as if it’s too late but really it’s motivating us to strive and work harder for our future and success.

  2. Hi Emily, Fathers are the best supporters. He always leads me to the right path and whenever I need help deciding he always helps me pick the right thing for me. I also was stressed because I didn’t know what to do in college, and my father said something similar to what you mentioned that your father would support you no matter what you study in college.

  3. Hi Emily! I relate to you on being emotional during the college period. I love how supporting your dad is I too understand the impact that a parents word can have on you during a stressful time.

  4. Good.

    Now if you choose to continue to develop this — Is this part of a larger story? Is the choice of picking a college an event that was a hardship for you? What was happening in your senior year that led to this insecurity about college choice?

    OR are there other events when your dad’s words have echoed in your mind and helped you in a rought time at school?

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