Mentor Quote- Vanessa Marquez

“Only you can write your own story” & “keep going you can do it” Ever since I was little, I will always stop at my limit and would never step out of my comfort zone. I would give up on things that I felt I couldn’t do. My mom has always supported me and always motivated me to do better. I am so thankful to my mother because without her I wouldn’t be the person I am today nor be in the position I am in today. By stepping out of my comfort zone I was able to get a job, join clubs and be more open in general. High school was a wave of happiness and confusion. I never really gave it a thought of what I have wanted to become. I would overthink and feel upset because I felt like I wouldn’t even be able to handle college. I had 3 things I wanted to do in my life but not everything goes according to plan. I just hope this path Im taking is the right one.

I would think about the smallest and biggest things. My mom would always sit me down and tell me to ease down so I can talk about it with her. She will always tell me to clear my mind. By doing so I would be able to understand how I feel and what I would want to do. I just need to set my mind to something and give it my all. She is the best, she always wanted better for her children. I am forever grateful to her. 

2 thoughts on “Mentor Quote- Vanessa Marquez”

  1. Hi Vanessa, I also wouldn’t push myself to be more out there I was too shy to meet new people. which made me lose many opportunities. But my brother would give me the confidence to put myself out there and would motivate me to try.

  2. A great quote!

    Now what was that exact time that she said this to you? What was the difficult moment in your school life when your mom’s words “rescued” you? What “wave of confusion” — great writerly phrase! — were you caught up in when her words helped you out? Remember this is an education narrative — so think of the exact struggle in school when your mom said this to you.

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