Success Tips- Jade Daley

Tip #3. This tip is significant to me because I do struggle with participating ever since I was younger because of my fear of being wrong. Now I realize that my fear of being wrong is holding me back and participating can help me overcome this. I will use this tip in class by engaging more because it brings a lot of positive outcomes. Participating can help you understand a topic more and it allows you to engage with the class. It also can help with social interactions. I will do things differently by participating throughout the lesson especially when I feel like I can contribute to the class.

Tip #9. This tip is significant to me because I’m usually never the type to ask for help when I need it because I don’t like feeling like I’m bothering others. I would usually try to figure things out on my own and now I see that isn’t a good way of doing things. I will use this tip in class by reaching out to my professor or classmates whenever I feel like i’m stuck or confused on a topic. I now see the positives outcomes of reaching out. The benefits of surrounding myself with people who can help me can lead to success. I will also take advantage of the resources that I have available.

2 thoughts on “Success Tips- Jade Daley”

  1. You write very well, and you explain yourself clearly. Good!

    You make good points here. You show that you know yourself and you know what you can do to improve. That’s the first step.

    I too have felt nervous to speak out loud in a class. I felt this when I was in graduate class and thought everyone is smarter than me and I was scared to volunteer my thoughts. But after I found the courage to speak out, I usually discovered that other people felt the same way or they had things to add to my comment. So with practice I gained more confidence in sharing my voice in groups. Jade, I believe you have good things to say–just take courage and I know you can do it!

    And yes — talk to me! I want to help.

    Pick just ONE category (The instructions didn’t specify to choose “student work” — there is always only one and it was “college success”)

    Where is your HW 1 Introduction?

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