INTRO- – Hannael

My name is Hannael Foucault and I am a nursing student at CityTech. I chose that major because I want to become a dermatologist and help others to feel comfortable in their skin. This is important to me because I once had a friend who was very depressed about her acne and no one should feel like they don’t belong in their own skin. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York with my older brother and sister. My parents were born in Haiti, so my sibling and I grew up understanding and speaking Haitian Kreyol. I took gymnastics class from ages eight through eleven, but eventually stopped because I was scared of getting hurt as I progressed to more difficult moves. Traveling to the Caribbean is my favorite thing to do, I’ve been to 7 different islands and they’ve all made me realize how beautiful the world really is. There are many things that I find happiness in such as watching my favorite show The Office, a comedy sitcom where multiple employees communicate with one another and break the fourth wall many times. The Office gave me a really good sense of humor which attributes to my ability to connect with other people because I am good at making others laugh. When it comes to friendships, it is easy for me to relate to others because as a child I felt as if I had been through a lot of “phases”, as my mother would call it, where I would just pick up many hobbies. One of these hobbies was making bracelets out of beads. This hobby used to take up most of my day to the point where I would get my bracelet set taken away for the amount of time I invested into making bracelets. Well… that’s just what I like to think, but in actuality. Another hobby that I truly enjoyed doing was doing makeup. The phase came about around seventh grade due to me watching youtube videos of other girls doing makeup. This hobby however, was one of my best. I used to do abstract artwork on my face, such as painting a copying of the infamous The Starry Night painting on my face. I always reminisce on the days where I spent countless hours in front of the mirror creating the most livid designs onto my face.

4 thoughts on “INTRO- – Hannael”

  1. Hi Hanneal, that’s so cool you want to help others feel better in there own skin because I’ve seen people struggle to feel confident in there self because of there skin.

  2. Hi Hannael, I like that you want to become a dermatologist because you want people to love their skin. I have been struggling with acne since middle school. Sometimes my acne gets better and sometimes worse, but I got used to it. I also spent hours making bracelets, and I used to sell them at my school. It was interesting reading through your introduction.  

  3. It’s cool you are thinking about being a dermatologist because my mom has a similar profession so it’s cool you wanna help others showing another example of the positivity in this world

  4. Good job! I learned a lot of interesting things about you. Lovely photo!

    Writing Tip: Work on paragraph breaks to break up long blocks of text. New Topic = New Paragraph.

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