RAB proposal paragraph Isabell

my research question is How does the Colombian drug cartels affect the Colombian economy? This topic interest me because i always found it interesting how drugs affect a persons daily life in reference of children. another thing that interesting me was the fact I wanted to learn more about Colombia because I have family in Colombia . I already know about how the drug cartels affect the low income family in reference of the parents needing to sell there kids for the money they need to survive. The drug cartels influence the government decisions because how much money it beings in for the country.Some things I want to explore more is how does it affect the children daily lives. how does drugs affect peoples mental health and peoples perspective on life .

1 thought on “RAB proposal paragraph Isabell”

  1. YOU MUST Use this example paragraph starter as a template for your RAB Proposal:

    My research question is: ______? This topic interests me because ___. (good solid explanation, should be PERSONAL – 3 more sentences) I already know that ______. (3 more sentences). Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are _________ (3 points).

    You don’t write PERSONAL reasons and I am asking you to do that.

    Look at the student examples by Jason and that I posted as Student Lisa.

    YOu have many many writing errors in this Proposal Paragraph. Isabell, you need to work with the tutors.

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