Success Tips – Gilbert

Tip 1: Participation

This tip is important to me personally because I’d be absent from class, either physically or mentally, and working on my participation allows me to be present and make better connections. I plan on using this tip in this class by listening, communicating, and joining in on the conversations in class both in person and online. I’ll do my best to listen and understand my classmates better, I can change how I participate by giving feedback to those who are open to it. I’d also like to hear what my classmates say in response to my work. This way I can become more comfortable with learning and sharing ideas as opposed to before.

Tip 2: Study Skills

From experience, studying has always been something I’ve rarely done. But I can appreciate the value of studying as it gives me the ability to be confident in what I learn and how I can apply it. I plan on using this tip in a class by using my notes as a resource, as taking notes is important when it comes to remembering what’s important in each lecture.  I would like to change or learn better or more efficient forms of taking notes, like Cornell notes, or spending more time trying to understand each homework assignment leading up to the more important assignments. This is different from what I had previously done in classwork as taking notes and viewing homework as being beneficial were alien to me, but I know the more I try the better I’ll be at it.

3 thoughts on “Success Tips – Gilbert”

  1. I agree with your emphasis on participation and how being there not only physically but mentally is important. Personally throughout my journey i have found that being an active listener while the teacher or a classmate is speaking, has allowed me to view things from other perspectives. Once i began to do this i realized that my way of learning is not the best way so it’s crucial to utilize everything around you.

  2. I agree with the value of studying can give the ability to be confident for what you’re learning. Studying is also something I’ve rarely done but when I do study it gives me a boost to go into class and actually enjoy the lecture or lesson for the day. It also gives me a recap of the lessons throughout the weeks of class and everything comes back to me.

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