Success Tips – Nason

Tip 1: Out of the many useful and important tips to be successful in college, the ones that stood out to me were tips 7 and 9. Tip 7 states to be able to study. Studying is one of the most important things to do when learning. It is basically teaching yourself. It allows you to retain or learn important information. If you are not able to understand something in class, you can go online and search for help. It is proven that studying increases grades and overall improvement. When studying, you can find different ways to approach it and become a better student. Some ways might work for others better than it works for you so find ways that cater to your liking. This includes total silence, music, or talking out loud.

Tip 2: Tip 9 is also one of the most important things you can do in class especially when you are confused about a topic. Asking for help is to only way to have someone help you out. Nobody automatically knows that you don’t understand, you have to let them know. Don’t be scared to ask for help because you are just bringing yourself down by not increasing your knowledge. Asking a teacher or a student is a good way to understand something you didn’t fully understand.

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