Outline Op-ed: Photo Essay – Odalys

RQ: How did COVID-19 impact undocumented immigrants in America?  

My Genre: op-ed: photo essay 

Working Title: “Unseen and Unheard: Undocumented in the Pandemic” or “The Plight of Undocumented Immigrants in the Pandemic”  

  1. Introduction 
  • A. Hook: Opinion statement > Reference of undocumented Immigrants being disregarded just like the American West? (Something to help audience visualize the problem) 
  • B. Thesis statement 
  1. Personal Narrative 
  • A. Introduction of myself
  • B. Family descendants
  • C. Why did I choose this topic? Personal anecdote
  1. Research 
  • A. Financial Insecurity 
  • B. Mental Health 
  • C. U.S-born children of Undocumented Immigrants being collateral damage 
  • D. Mixed families being declined aid 
  1. Life after the Pandemic 
  • A. Personal Experience 
  • B. Challenges undocumented immigrants still face 
  • C. Statement on what I want to teach the audience 
  1. Conclusion > Photos (people in photos will be undocumented immigrants only) 
  • A. Person dealing with housing eviction 
  • B. Person dealing with food insecurity 
  • C. Children on the street 
  • D. People working 
  • E. Families together 
  • F. People facing debt > photo of stacks of bills 

5 thoughts on “Outline Op-ed: Photo Essay – Odalys”

    • I really like the Title Unseen and Unheard: Undocumented in the Pandemic but i have this another title for it if like “the soundless attack on emigrants”. I have a question on the Personal Narrative are going to have picture of you family if not then what will you place as your image for there? also some of your labeling is kind of confusing with the use of what images get what is does the images use for the Conclusion are connected to the other part with the same letter.
    1. Dear Manuel,

      This is a op-ed: photo essay. If you’re not aware if combines both. I will write my opinion and thoughts in this matter. The pictures will be used to support my main idea. Instead of writing and explaining undocumented immigrants struggles, I will demonstrate through photos. I hope that cleared up your confusion.

  1. Dear Odalys I like the title, here’s a suggestion I have for your title, because it has to do with both undocumented immigrants and covid-19 I suggest you can make your title shorter instead. For your Introduction you can also speak on the history of undocumented immigrants and how poorly they’re being treated by the government. You can also include challenges of not having citizenship although living in the U.S for certain amount of years. I would suggest the circumstances young immigrants children are facing in the introduction so it can give us an opening idea of what you will discuss. Overall this is well presented.

  2. Good comments from your peers. As Andre asks, I do see that you have a part that shows how children of immigrants are effected. Good that’s important. And you can say your own experience in that part.

    ALSO how long will your written part be? Remember the Op-ed Photo essay has a written part but it is not too long. Equal in length should be the photo parts. Yes?

    How many photos? AND make sure you write captions for your photos.

    1. Dear Prof. Wu,

      Yes I was planning on writing my experience as a U.S-born child of immigrant parents.

      I’m planning on writing about 1 1/2 pages of writing (not doubled space). So yes equal in length to the photos.

      As previously discussed with you, I was thinking about 5 minimum to 10 photos max. What do you advice? & yes captions will be written. I didn’t put all those small details into my outline because I felt like it would’ve been too much. However, thank you for your feedback.

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